parshat Vayakhel
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The Sin of the Golden Calf is rectified by the communal service in the Holy Temple. This is achieved via the precept of the half-shekel offering.
Israel's Special Need For Unity
...This week's Torah portion of Vayakhel describes how the various artisans executed the different activities necessary for the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and the special furniture it held. These include, of course, the Menorah, Holy Ark, table, and altars. Something interesting stands out in this account, however. When the Holy Ark was fashioned, the Torah emphasizes that it was Betzalel ben Uri ben Hur who did it - but regarding the other items, the Torah simply says, "He made," over and over. Why does the Torah not seem to "care" who exactly made the other vessels? -
The Great Cottage Cheese Controversy
This week’s parsha includes one of the places where the Torah teaches about mixing milk and meat together -
What links the size of the world and the size of the tabernacle?
Why was the temple built by Solomon larger than the Tabernacle in the desert? What was the Second Holy Temple's effect on the world? And what can we expect in the future? -
More Than the Jews Have Preserved Shabbat...
There is, perhaps, no more striking a mark of absolute Jewish identity that exists in our society than that of observing, sanctifying, and enjoying the Sabbath day.
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